The Bag Lady Papers by Alexandra Penney



The subtitle is, The Priceless Experience of Losing it All.

Except…she doesn’t.

I checked this out, thinking it would be an actual chronicle of someone who became homeless and clawed their way out of that nasty spot…but no. Penney is an affluent New Yorker who lives the glamourous life, and has plenty of resources.

Sure, she loses her retirement savings, and is left with several pieces of worthless real estate; she has to retrench, lower her standard of living and hustle for jobs and money. She started this blog as a way to earn money, and had plenty of friends who came to her rescue.

She chronicles her worries and fears for the first six months after the news about Madoff’s Ponzi scheme broke…but she came through it just fine.

Not as interesting as i had hoped, although I did listen to the whole thing.


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